Karolina e Filipa sono due volontarie del Servizio di Volontariato Europeo ospitate dall’Associazione Vicolocorto di Pesaro. Provengono  rispettivamente dalla Polonia e dal Portogallo e hanno partecipato in maniera attiva al ciclo di incontri ResilienzaLAB., promosso dalla Fondazione nei mesi di ottobre e novembre.

In questo bellissimo articolo, le due giovani volontarie ripercorrono la loro esperienza e restituiscono un quadro ricco di suggestioni utili ad orientare il lavoro futuro della Fondazione. Grazie, Karolina e Filipa! 

A Month of Resilience

From October to November 2017, we took part, as Vicolocorto, in Resilienza Lab, a series of events organized by Fondazione Wanda Di Ferdinando in collaboration with Settenove, Vicolocorto, Centro per le famiglie di Pesaro and Non c’è Problema as well as Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino. The project was divided into three parts: Resilience and Work, Resilience and Health, and How to be Resilient Today.

Each of these parts started with an introduction by the president of the Foundation Federica Maria Panicali and was conducted by Dr Michela Fortugno, the head of the psychology department at Azienda Ospedaliera Riuniti Marche Nord.


On the first meeting dedicated to Resilience and Work our association, Vicolocorto, gave a short presentation about the international mobility opportunities that EVS offers to young people. This was the topic in which we had some personal experience that helped us relate to the subject, therefore the only one when we actually spoke. We were invited to share our experience with the European Voluntary Service, the reasons that made us leave our cities and apply for the project, and in what way being resilient helps us to deal with our day-to-day problems. We found it very interesting to realize once more that no matter where you are from, the struggles and challenges you face at a certain point in your life can be very similar to the ones of so many other people. The evening was concluded with a screening of a documentary about Italians working on farms in Australia as a solution to the problem of not finding a job in Italy.

On the second meeting Resilience and Health was discussed and Centro per La Famiglia presented their work. The presentation was followed by a screening of a documentary about Alessandro Cavallini, a 14 year old boy who was diagnosed with a grave tumor as a small child. During the final meeting IoNonCrollo Association delivered their testimony and Fondazione Wanda di Ferdinando presented the rules and deadlines for applying for their annual grant.


The Fondazione chose resilience as the main topic, because this ability is central in many areas of our lives. Whether we’re facing a disease, a natural disaster, situation of unemployment, or any other kind of problem, resilience can help us adapt to life tasks in the face of social disadvantage or other highly adverse conditions. And, good news, as an ability, it can be learned and developed by everyone. During this month we learned not only about the concept itself, but we also got to know examples of resilience in many areas of life, as well as tips and techniques to start practicing resilience. We applaud the initiative of Fondazione di Ferdinando to organize and deliver such interesting tools to the community, trying to go beyond charity and contributing to people’s education and motivation.

Karolina & Filipa